I finished a tapestry for the ATA small format show back in 2008 as part of a group submission. We all were tasked with weaving a small tapestry in one hue and some metallic with a theme of palm trees. I selected 'cassette tape brown' as my hue. The entire piece was woven in cassette tape some of which I spray painted for a higher value with a bit of shimmer. I like the piece but could never figure out the right way to hang it....until yesterday.
It is in a shadow box frame, raised a bit over glass. Beneath the glass is this aqua material with flecks of the same color as the moon in the tapestry. It is almost perfect. I am a bit leery of using glass since it breaks so easily. I may switch it out with a bit of plexi which would also make it lighter and have a bit less glare. I had to take the picture off from the center to avoid most of the glare.