It's an odd piece to block since there are lots of ends around the maze but not much in the center where the portrait is. The photo shows how I ended up applying the pressure. I am hoping I can flatten the ends on the back so it will fit within the half inch rabbet of the frame. Then it should hang OK on the wall.
I had originally thought an antique gold frame would be best. Most Van Goghs I have seen in museums are in gold frames. Blick was having a great sale on frames so I bought one. In the end, the gold didn't look right with the tapestry so I have painted the frame a reddish brown. It blends nicely with the maze around the portrait on the tapestry and increases the size of the piece. I also have some acrylic paint in two colors similar to the browns in the maze. I may paint the frame to give it a bit more depth and texture.
Hopefully, by Wednesday I will be able to put it all together and see how it looks framed and on the wall. I do like the tapestry...it is worth the wait.