Thursday, November 09, 2006

Color Palette One

Here is the color palette for the inside plane. These will be used for all areas which are inside the mountain studio.

The colors include some that I dyed and some that I have on cones. The ones I dyed include sky blue, grape, brite green, havana brown and poppy.

The ones I have in a cones include natural, cork, brown, orange, blue. All are a silk cotton blend except for that blue in the upper left which I just bought to 'try out'. Its a cotton rayon blend. Oh yes, and I see a bit of 100% light blue silk too.

I have all my other available colors close by in case I feel the urge to add a bit one something else here or there.

Overall, a nice set of values. I think I have enough variations of the havana, blue and grape to create some interesting shadows.

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